What to Expect
Connection meets for worship every Sunday at 11 am at 373 N Church Street in Winterville. Look for the blue banners along the road!
In the parking lot, there will be a black tent for Guest Services. Friendly faces will be ready to greet you and direct you to the auditorium for worship or to Kids Check-in.
Kids Check-in is located at the red tent outside. All children 6 weeks to 5th grade are welcome to come and learn about Jesus in a safe, fun environment! We got the kids. Now, go enjoy worship!
In the auditorium, coffee is provided at our Next Steps area. There you will find information about our Connect groups, college ministry, and everything happening at Connection!
Worship is the best part of the week. There's something so beautiful about God's people coming together to worship Him and hear from Him through the exposition of His Word. At Connection, we are very careful to provide sound biblical teaching and Christ-centered worship. We hope that you'll be encouraged as we glorify Christ together!
If you have any questions about our church or need more information please don't hesitate to contact us!